Llanwern High School

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School Meals

The Dining Experience at Llanwern High School

The canteen facility at Llanwern is run by Chartwells Catering.  They offer a wide variety of hot and cold foods at both break and lunchtimes.  Throughout the year Chartwells also organise themed menu days such as Mexican, Chinese and American days - these always go down well with the pupils!

Dining Facilities:
• Main Canteen: Located in our light and airy atrium, now equipped with new furniture that doubles
our previous seating capacity.
• Outdoor Pod: Situated outside the atrium, offering grab-and-go food every break and lunchtime.
• Sixth Form Common Room: A dedicated catering facility with a new and improved menu for
September ’24 developed in collaboration with the Chartwells Executive Chef. Sixth formers can now
pre-order their meals too for next-day lunch. 

School Menu - Summer / Autumn TermSchool Menu - Mid Morning - Summer Autumn Term

 For a full list of prices for 2023-24 please click here for English or click here for Welsh (as agreed by Newport Contract Board and Newport City Council). If you have any questions about the menus please contact the canteen on 01633 411116 (Ext: 311).

Llanwern High School operates a cashless till system. To purchase items from the canteen pupils use their finger print, this removes the need for swipe cards or cash. ParentPay also works with our catering provider, Chartwells, so that your child can pay for their food with their fingerprint (a biometric system) accessing funds from the ParentPay account. A letter is sent to all parents / carers seeking agreement to participate at the beginning of the academic year. Gel pads are located at till points and recognise a child’s unique fingerprint to access their unique account; these are cleaned by Chartwell’s staff on a regular basis. There is an alternative method of authentication to biometric recognition, which is pin code.

There is currently a daily spend limit of £5.00 per pupil in place. However, if you feel that this is too much or too little it can be amended by notifying the canteen in writing.

If you are entitled to free school meals, the money will be automatically added to your child’s account on a daily basis.  They can use this money at break or lunchtime, but will not carry over to the next day. Free School Meal Application


For young people affected by an allergy, intolerance or other medical dietary requirement, it is vitally important that they develop the skills they need to make safe food choices in all environments, whether at home, in school or other out-of-home settings.

Chartwells Medical Diets Policy

Llanwern High School and Chartwells believe it is important that young people recognise their responsibility to manage their dietary requirements as soon as they are able to. For many pupils, the progression into secondary education provides a welcome opportunity for this development, as they can take greater control of their diet and make their own informed choices about what, when and where to eat.

Healthy Eating

All menus provide the nutrition that pupils needs on a daily basis.

The Welsh Government Association has provided these guidelines to help our pupils eat a healthy and balanced meal every day. Please click on the posters to have a look for yourself.

wlga healthy eating guidelines 1 english.pdf

wlga health eating guidelines 2 english.pdf

wlga healthy eating guidelines 3 english.pdf

Click here for these guidance posters in Welsh